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No More Heroes began life on 360, says developer

Suda51 admits upcoming Wii action hit was originally designed for Microsoft console

Grasshopper founder Suda51 has told MCV that he first planned for Rising Star’s No More Heroes to be an Xbox 360 title.

Speaking exclusively in the No More Heroes Recommended Extra magazine given away free in this weeks’s MCV magazine, Suda51 said:

“Originally, I’d wanted to make this game for Xbox 360, actually. [Marvelous Interactive boss] Wada-san had information about the new Wii and how the new controller would work before it came out, so that’s why he thought I should produce the game on that format.

“At the time, I didn’t really understand why, but after seeing and understanding how it works, I think it was a good choice and the controller works really well with the game.”







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