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I don't really know what to classify myself as, could anyone help? :P

-I'm definitely pro-choice. It's the woman's body, she can do with it what she chooses :P

-I see the use of force as necessary to solve some conflicts, though in most cases, diplomacy would be preferred.

-If tobacco is legal, I see no reason for cannabis to be illegal, so I would legalise it to wipe out the black market in it's trade.

-I'd legalise prostitution, with regulation put in place to make sure STDs don't spread and human trafficking isn't allowed.

-Living in Australia, I'm disgusted by practically all of the politicians' stance on Asylum Seekers. They're referred to as Boat People and made to seem sub-human. I would set up centers around Australia's entry points (The northern coast) and the Asia-Pacific (Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, etc.) where people can be processed for asylum and if they don't pose a risk to the society through diseases or violent intentions then let them in, there's plenty of land free, why not?

Next election, I'll probably be voting for the Greens, because Labor in Australia under Gillard is deplorable and the Liberals are just as bad. I'd vote Sex Party, but they aren't represented in my electorate :P

What is Gillard's/Labour's platform currently? I try to keep track of what all the major countries are doing politically, but i don't know much about Australia in that regard.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.