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I am a hardcore PC Gamer, and I love Nintendo.

32GB Ram
Dual Corsair M4 256GB SSD for gaming (spanned for speed boost)
EVGA 4GB GTX 690 (replaced 2x GTX 580) and will get a second 690 later (Quad SLI!)
2x 1.5TB mirrored raid data backup and storage for media, 2TB external system backup drive
and until yesterday 3x 24 inch Dell U2412M on a XFX Triple Display Monitor Stand for Surround gaming, which was my only mistake, as I did not realize when I began my monitor collection I'd never be able to get a 1920x1200 3D monitor had a 5760x1200 resolution, or a 1920x3600 portrait mode resolution, I recently replaced one (center) with a ViewSonic V3D245 which while 1920x1080 will end up as what I have for my monitors, and love the 3D gaming (my 3DS prompted me to get the 3D monitor)

I also have Wii, 360, PS3 and 3DS, a pre-order on the 3DS XL (can't wait, giving the 3DS to my son now that he is "old enough" for 3D) and can't wait for the Wii U, which I will be trading in my 360 for (we keep the PS3 for blu-ray, and eventually it can serve as a 3D blu-ray player for the main tv, also a few classics on PSN, and occasionally, my favorite sports game MLB The Show).