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This game doesn't look nearly as good as Uncharted(3)

Those developers are lazy.
Can't even destroy with a PC Game the most beautiful looking Console game.
Especially the character models are pretty bad...This is like comparing Witcher 2 PC Max Settings(Uncharted 3 PS3) with Witcher 2 from the 360.
Two complete different Generations when you look at the graphics.

chocoloco said:
happydolphin said:
chocoloco said:

There should be a thread with 1,000 posts half of them crying and bitching how MS is stealing Sony's valor an honor as a company. Half the posts should be him losing it in tears.

*Reusable youtube vid not funny*

This post is so full of Fail I don't know where to start. 1) Where the heck does MS fit in this thread? I'm a Nintendo fan with an issue with Sony copying, not MS. 2) The use of the word valor confuses me. 3) It's and, not an. 4) If you're gonna poke  fun at me at least make it funny.

MS makes people PCs. It was not suppossed to be funny for you. Even so, if you never try you will never succeed. 

OT: I really suspect an average game.

M$ makes people PCs?
Where did M$ make my Gaming PC with a GTX680 and so on inside?If it would have been made by M$ it would burn down.
My PC is awesome and so are the brands i use - And guess what?The only part that has something to do is the OS and thats the worst part about the system cause Windows is crap.Gladly its pretty "cheap" =)