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Using what we know so far, the setting, environments, art design, visuals, and characters all look extremely similar to Uncharted. At face value, it does seem rip off Uncharted. However, I'm sure you people are smart enough to know that looks are not substance of a game. Gameplay is the main factor of a game's substance. We need to see how this game plays out to really determine if the game is a rip off. It does seem to share a strikingly strong resemblance with Uncharted, way more than Uncharted shares with Tomb Raider, however gameplay could prove the game is drastically different. Or it could confirm what the visuals suggest and it could be a straight clone.

I'm surprised people are comparing this game and Uncharted to Uncharted and Tomb Raider. Yes, Tomb Raider did heavily inspire Uncharted, but drastically less than how Uncharted appears to have inspired this game. In fact, if someone made a thread titled "Uncharted: Golden Abyss 2 announced" and included those pictures, except for the ones with the characters, then I'm sure at least half of the viewers would believe the pictures were actually from Uncharted. This resemblance is too strong to even be compared to Uncharted and Tomb Raider.