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after about a year lurking the forum I can safetly say the vast majority of people on this website are diehard nintendo fanboys. the next biggest number is sony fanboys. and a very small few are xbox players.

the nintendo fanboys are beyond fanboys though, nothing bad can be said about nintendo on this forum or its the apocalypse.
sony fanboys aren't as bad but they will say uncharted is better then all the MS exclusives, and to be honest uncharted isn't that good when you look at it past graphics.
the microsoft players on this forum are few, but they usually don't seem to start ridiulous thread and makes outrageous claims

if you are a gamer, you will go with the games. this gen for the first half the generation gamers were on 360, most still are, but many have either move to PS3 or they got a ps3 along with a 360. next gen who knows. My bet is on Sony this time. microsoft hasn't been showing they care about gamers for years. nintendo is still doing their own thing, but it looks like once again they will be so far behind graphically that they won't have titles like COD, or battlefield, or elder scrolls, so it will be ignored by game devs, and therefore gamers again.

there is a new wildcard and that is the google console that was announced. It won't have big name titles but with such a low price point and free games + dev kits for everyone there might be thousands of good, unique games on the console.