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This is nothing new. We’ve all witnessed it for years. Microsophobia is rampant on this site, yet we look the other way. I’m guilty of this just as much as everyone else, for too long I was unwilling to make a stand too afraid that people will think I’m one of them but I’ve overcome this fear and now I’m exposing the situation in hopes of creating a more Microsoft-tolerant forum.

I know what some of you will say: “They’re free to game however they want but why do they have to shove it in our faces? Imposing their way of gaming on people”. It is very common to hear people argue that Microsoft’s annual ad campaigns for the new Halo title makes it difficult for gamers to ignore the Xbox fans and their ways but what we’ve gotta ask ourselves is: “Would I be so bothered by them if I was truly completely satisfied with my gaming console?”.

I find that most hardcore 360 haters secretly long to play MS’s games. Many times I have seen one of them get drunk, losing their inhibitions and ending up spending the night with Forza. Of course, the next morning, they would deny the whole thing or minimize it saying they were just curious to try it out and that they’re still 100% attracted to Gran Turismo but deep down they know they enjoyed it and would do it again if nobody was around.

While researching this widespread problem, I’ve had the chance to talk to a lot of closeted Microsoft fans, their testimonies were heart wrenching. I’ve decided to disclose some of their statements but since these people live in fear, I’ve had to disguise their usernames to protect them from haters.

“The Xbox 360 is actually my console of choice, the one I prefer to game on but I’ve been willfully withholding that information because I want people to like me and I fear my standing in the VGChartz Greatest User Tournament would take a hit if everyone knew” garbagefootDBrother

“I keep a stack of Official Xbox Magazine under my bed. I read them when I’m home alone. I don’t even want to think of what would happen if my parents found out about them!” 1000years

“My friends pressured me to go a special Sony camp to ‘Uncharted the Gears away’ as they would say. I got out of there proclaiming that I now much prefer killing wave after wave of humans while traversing great set pieces but deep down, I know I’ll always hunger for killing wave after wave of aliens in a grey-brown environment.” Stop

“It pains me to see the members of the Sony Defense Force in front of their church with signs saying ioi hates XBots or Microsoft gaming is a sin. I can’t help it if prefer the 360, it’s just something that I feel inside me that pushes me to choose Xbox games.” KenZShoulderButton

Now it’s up to us to end this situation and to create a better forum for Microsoft enthusiasts. We can achieve this by not letting who a member games with at night dictate what we think of him because in the end we’re all the same, we’re all gamers.

Signature goes here!