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Aj_habfan said:
PooperScooper said:
Aj_habfan said:
Wierd that they were making more profit with the PS1.

No they weren't... Everytime they introduce a new console their numbers will definatly drop.


No, for the 4 years before a new console was released PS1 made over 700 Million more.


PS2 has had a way longer lifespam though, so it's not especially fair to count all it's years.

The PS1 had a longer lifespan than the PS2 so far. Sony claimed it had a 11 year life span, I thought.

The PS3 related losses so far are definitely disturbing.  They've come half way to wiping out all of the profit Sony made with the PS1 and PS2.  Let's hope BD doesn't fail to catch on or it could have been a very expensive gamble for Sony.