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BengaBenga said:

I noticed that there are a number of RE fans on this forum, which makes me happy. It's probably my favorite series after Zelda and I can't wait for the 5th iteration.... or can I...

Previous weeks I've been replaying the series, well I tried but I skipped 2 and 3 because I couldn't enjoy the games because of the graphics anymore.

So I finished (in order of playing): REmake, RE 0, RE: Code VeronicaX and RE 4Wii. Playing the games in a small time period I was amazed how much I loved the GC remake over RE 4.

Don't get me wrong, RE 4 (especially the Wii edition) is a fantastic game, but it is a little too easy. A few examples:

  • In RE I still died a lot of times, RE4 was more runnin and gunnin.
  • I finished RE with about 12 bullets of non-handgun ammo left, while ammo in RE4 is extremely well available, you can kill every caharcter in the game and still won't be short of ammo.
  • Same for herbs. Herbs are scarse in RE, not in 4
  • In RE you can't upgrade your life-bar in 4 you have the yellow herbs.
  • Puzzles are insane in RE and way too easy in 4
  • 6 or 8 items can be carried in RE, almost unlimited in 4

Also I like the locked camera, it brought a lot of tension to the game and the storyline and especially the plot is way better in RE (the end of 4 was a bit of a let down).

Of course RE4 is completely 3D and contols a 1000 times better then the other RE games.

My question to other fans of the series: What way do you want the series to progress. I personally hope that they keep the RE4 control scheme but return to the original concept of survival horror a little more. So less storage space, less herbs, less ammo, harder puzzles.

I also hope Capcom will make the story a little better and less straightforward this time. I loved the files that could be found in the mansion that described parts of what was going on, but didn't give away the story. Or tha way that you saw Wesker and Barry throughout the first game and essentially didn't know what was going on. The end was also epic.

Discuss but PLEASE: I want a discussion on the Resident Evil series, between people who like the game, or are interested in it. I personally don't care on what platform the game will appear and I ask you to NOT start a discussion on potential Wii versions or 360 exclusivity or other platform related issues. Thanks.


 Too easy my ass!  I had a pretty hard time with RE4 and constantly had to think about ammo and health.  >_>