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Mero, no offense, but PR is PR. I highly doubt that the PS3 will be around for 10 years. Am I the only one who remembers Nintendo saying the GameCube would be around for 8? It honestly could have been... y'know, if not for the fact that it sold horribly. If your main problem was longevity, you should have waited a year to have a good idea of which ones were selling the best. Sales dictate if something lasts, not what internal features it has. Why do you think your original Xbox only lasted four years? It had the most features, and online and HD *are* the future, the two things it did better than everyone else in the absolute. I mean, I'm an admitted Nintendo fanboy, so keep that in mind, but I like to think I put some thought into my fanboyineaty. There are plenty of reasons to own a PS3, but "because Sony PR said so" seems kinda silly to me.