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This is probably the most random and open thing I have read on an internet forum in a very long time.

First things first: Not sure if Serious....

Second of all if serious:

the first mistake was going over to her place when you already have a girlfriend. Thats just asking to visit temptation city. Not only that but doing that while drunk. 95 times out of 100 some form of sex is going to happen.

It definitely proves that one mistake leads to another.

Im assuming "three Fitty" means $350 or else you wouldn't have implied that being "out three fitty" was a big deal if it meant $3.50.

My advice:

1.Clean her sheets.

2.Give her a formal Apology

3.Tell your girlfriend the truth of what happened (hiding truth never helps anyone)

4.Now im not a proponent of abortion. So if she is pregnant you and her need to take the responsibility of having that child born into the world and taking care of it. My feeling on the matter is this:
if someone feels responsible enough to have sex they should be responsible enough to parent a child. No reason a child should pay the punishment and be aborted for his/her's parents actions.

5. everybody makes mistakes. me included. The best thing to do once you make a mistake is just make it right and own it. if not then be ready for a hard life. I hope that helps.