ROBOTECHHEAVEN said: @dieappledie, yes the last story is a well made game i firmly believe. just like mistwalkers last game: lost odyssey , which for me is my all-time favorite rpg. |
Lost Odyssey was so good. The only thing I didn't like was the item system, by which I mean the way you equipped items to learn the skills. At a certain point it started to feel like I was spending as much time micromanaging equips as I was actually playing the game, and it got very tiresome after a while. In terms of the story and the world and the fights, though, that was easily the best RPG this gen. Unlike a lot of people, I loved Blue Dragon too. It was so charming and had such a quality art style, not to mention the j-rock that played during boss fights. Oh, and LAND SHARK!!!!! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!!!
On a totally unrelated note, I spent most of yesterday playing Penny Arcade: On The Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode 3. It is so good. Such a perfect mix of old-school style with some modern innovations. It's not particularly "hardcore" in terms of how the items work and the fact that you heal to full after every encounter, but it is infinitely charming and so brilliantly written. Considering it was $5 on Steam and came with free copies of Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World, I can't imagine a better value.