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Right now neither the 3DS or the Vita are truly worth owning. I own both, and while my Vita has seen more gameplay than my 3DS, the system still isn't worth it just the same. If you do get the Vita, may I suggest Uncharted, Wipeout 2048, and Unit 13 if you like the genre of each game, as, personal preference, they're the best on the system. With the 3DS, if you haven't already played them, there's, well, nothing really. Mario Kart 7 will probably get boring to you as fast as it did to me and the next best game I've played that you can't play elsewhere was Resident Evil Revelations and that's only so so. Stay away from Mario Land 3D though. Probably the worst Nintendo developed Mario title.

Heroes of Ruin looks good, while New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate are going to be must haves when to me.

With the Vita there's Ragnarok Odyssey and a few games that I'll get both the Vita and PS3 version through PSN, like Retro City Rampage and Quacamelee. None of them really being must haves to me.

There's not much else for either console honestly. Vita has two games that I'm interested in, but they're multi console for the PS3. Dragon's Crown and Playstation All Stars which I'll be picking up the PS3 version. Also one game that's seemed to fall off the face of the earth was Ruin, which was recently renamed Warrior's Lair. Looked like a good hack and slash but no details on it since last year.