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General Discussion - Lost!!! - View Post

Desroko said:
Some notes:

Having the first episode be Hurleycentric was a nice change, as was the callback to his previous time in an institution.

The man who visited him claiming t be from Oceanic was named Abaddon, from Revelations. The word is Hebrew for "Destruction."

The island is more powerful than we thought if it can send visions across housands of miles.

Ws it Hurley's funeral? He, Jack, and Locke were the only La-based characters still alive, so far as I can remember.

The survivors obviously lied about their experience. Abaddon is unaware that they left people behind, and the cop would've known that Hurley did know Ana-Lucia.

 So your thinking the island sent them back to civilization that would be a shocker if it turns out to be true. My proposal is that one of the rescuers some how brings them back but on the condition they say nothing about the island or the pack, something around those lines.