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If people admire Jesus, they consider him a kind of role model, they want to be more like him and try to act more according to his moral teachings. And that already implies that they don't always do.

So don't expect people to be saints just because they're religious. They are humans just like you and me, most religious people are morally hardly any better or different than others, but at least many of them actually try to be "better people", and that's something I have respect for.

richardhutnik, do yourself AND the guy who borrowed your video game a favour and tell him honestly how you feel about his behaviour. I see a good chance he'll think about it and behave better in the future, which would be a win-win situation. Maybe he isn't even really aware what a bad impression some of his bad habits make?

And if you're afraid of looking like a woman/gay talking about your feelings or he is too unregenerate, play a funny little mental trick on him: Next time you see him, put on a very serious face and say something like:
"Hey, really glad to see you! I guess you know that I usually don't care much about Jesus, god and all that stuff, but something strange happened to me: Last night in my dream Jesus came to me and wanted to borrow video game XY, but I had to tell him that it's not possible because you have it. He asked me when you would return it, but I just couldn't tell him, at which point Jesus got quite upset. I'm quite confused, I don't know what to make of this. What do YOU think?"

If you can tell this credible, it should make him think and have an effect on him. He'll either get worried that Jesus might now be angry at him for not returning the game on time, or he should at least realize how pissed you are.