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You forget Yemen, and Pakistan. You forget the increased warmongering for Iran. You forget that Obama increased troops to Afghanistan, and only left Iraq because the Iraqis wouldn't extend the timetable negiotatied by the Bush administration.

Bush may have grown spending faster than Obama in percentage terms. But this isn't a plus for anybody... ANY increase is bad politics and immoral.

Private sector job creation flat-lining has less to do with either President, and much more to do with the system at hand (which the Presidents are a major part of, but this has been going on for decades... in a sense, they all share equal blame, and so do the people that have consistently voted for bad policies... though they had been lied to).

Same thing with recessions. This is primarily down to the Federal Reserve system. Bad policy makes things worse (and Obama's policy is worse than what Bush's was in 2001), but it's a small part of the pie.

There are always "micro-scandals" going on. Off the top of my head, I remember the secret service prostitute thing, the GSA. Micro-scandals also probably occurred under Bush, but I wasn't as involved in politics. I was under the impression that F&F started under the Bush administration. BP oil spill was caused by Government intervention (they forced BP to drill deeper than they wanted to... I don't know which administration did this). Louisiana had a plan to try and solve issues for their coast a lot earlier than the Feds could have allowed, but the Obama administration obstructed them. With Hurricane Katrina, the reverse happened, Louisiana prevented the Feds from getting involved.

Obama reauthorized the Patriot Act. He has also signed the Trespass Act. You also have warrantless wire tapping, which started and was legalized under Bush (Obama voted for it as a Senator), Obama has also continued this program. Guantanamo Bay - Bush opened this, Obama campaigned on closing, and signed an order to close it... later continued indefinite detention at the prison.

Bush started drone strikes, but Obama ramped them up. He also completely changed the game by ordering the assassination of US citizens. Obama DID, however, end the use of "enhanced interrogation".

Healthcare is what it is. I've grown bored of that particular conversation.


Looking at it, it's hard to see how anyone except the most blinded of fools could consider either of these people to be a good President. Hell, they're not even Presidents, they act like Kings.