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Oh my God, why do we even allow threads like these..?

Are you not aware of the current and upcoming 3DS lineup? Are you not aware of the current and upcoming PSV lineup? Of course you are! You just use this thread to say that you don't like Mario and that the only game worth buying for the system is a remake of a game originally released in 1998 (by saying that it has been collecting dust on your shelf). This is pure stealth trolling aimed at Nintendo.

You know what games are- and will be available for each system, and only you know which ones you prefer. And if not, I wouldn't mind a "Recommend me some 3DS/Vita games" thread, but this is bullshit. As far as we know you may not even own the system, as indicated by your complete lack of Nintendo titles in your games collection.

(Hmm...Turkish made a suspiciously similar thread not long ago...)