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Bioshock shouldn't have won IMO and I loved Orange Box but come on it was pretty much been there done that throughout. Rockband - this is so not my type of game but it's a new game and I can respect it's success.

COD4 and Halo3 - great multiplayer games (especially COD4) but I completed the single player campignes in around 12 hours or so and for me that isn't game of the year material (and the last few levels of Halo3 just felt tacked on for me).

Assasins Creed = average game that got very repetitive so this is an example of style over substance in these awards and it really is a shame to see the original gameplay or brand new ip's like SMG and Uncharted to be beaten down due to old stereotypical no brainer votes IMO.

 I really do think though this will be a last for shooters dominating game of the year because I just feel in 08 Wii and Playstation are gonna bring back a lot of diversity in their line ups and the shooters have only got so massive due to 360's one year start.


But hey what do I know