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Even the long battles I alluded to allow for saving during the contest. Blue Dragon for instance allows you to save right before the final battle, and I believe five times during it. Valve get ample save points in their final battles. Naruto the same as with Mass Effect which will auto save right before you fight Sovereign. Fable I confess I totally crippled my character in development. I had little to no ranged combat ability thus when the second half of the contest turned to ranged fighting I was fighting at level one when I should have been much stronger. My magic attacks were utterly pathetic, but with enough time I finally brought him down. Ironically someone a week later told me all I had to do was pull back on the bow for a few minutes and let the arrow fly.

Which raises a valid point that was somewhat overlooked the player always has the option to make any aspect of a game challenging. I remember playing Goldeneye upside down, or finished the space station in Shadows of the Empire without gasp leaving the interior of the space station. Did I miss a meeting have my fellow gamers lost the will to take it upon themselves to make games more challenging for themselves. We used to brag about such things.

Personally the only thing I dread with final bosses is throbbing weak spots. Somewhere along the line I have gotten sick and tired of this. Give me the option to win through attrition. Let me fight how I want don't hem me in. Let me use all of my weapons not just the one your going to let me use. Give me more then one way to take the enemy down. Let me find the bragging rights.

A example is how on rails the Zelda series has gotten with its final boss battles. The same thing every time you can only beat Gannon in one specific way and no other. Find out how they want you to do it, and then rinse and repeat three times. Usually to get to the point where you need a new trick find it and repeat as before. Twilight Princess was tragic in that it just copied the previous games and made you go through a handful of sequences. Somehow that final battle feels more like a chore then an enjoyable experience. I doubt anyone who has played the game will disagree. Some might say its somewhat difficult, but its doing so in the lamest kind of way.