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And who is this "Takahashi" from "VentureBeat"? He's a writer for a technology blog. Newsflash: technology blogs tend to focus on the latest technology, and gaming consoles are never the latest technology. This guy's criticism can essentially be boiled down to "it's not as powerful as a PC". And thank goodness it isn't. Every generation so far has been won by the least powerful system. This is true in consoles and in handhelds.

Meanwhile, his complaint about the Upad lacking its own processor is just absurd - in order for the system to stream so quickly, it needs to be able to do it with minimal fuss - having to go through a processor along the way will just delay the reactions. What's more, it's streaming graphics, meaning that it would need to house a graphics card, which would then need access to the graphics data (textures, etc), which would mean the need to copy all of that extra data across, which would then vastly slow down the operation of the system... To make matters worse, that means it would need a significant amount of extra ram, which would jack up the price of the controller even further.

The displays slow down for the same reason as why playing at 1080p generally has a lower framerate than playing at 720p - it takes more time to generate more pixels of image. It has been noted that the system runs slower with multiple Upads... which would be able to be compensated for by having a lower resolution on the TV output. Alternatively, the complexities of the displayed scenes could just be scaled back a little - essentially, exactly the same thing that is done for splitscreen multiplayer. And the slowdown would really only happen if the system was trying to generate full 3D on all screens, anyway - a much more likely multi-Upad usage would provide functionality on the internal screens, and display things on the TV.

In short, don't pay any attention. This guy is even lower on the hierarchy of relevant opinions than analysts... and that's saying something.