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UT3 apart (going by reviews only) has any U3 engine based game ran well on PS3?

It seems that, Epic's own tinkering (with I believe Sony's input) with the engine for UT3 aside, most developers building games on U3 are unable to produce good results on PS3 architecture.

I checked out Turok demo and deleted it after 5 minutes play (Area 51 or whatever it was called got the same treatment) - the game just looked 'meh' and didn't engage at all compared to something like Uncharted or COD4.

Of course U3 is very popular engine particularly for FPS and similar (GOW) style games, so unless Epic get a version of the engine tuned for PS3 and in their licencees hands, I suspect that for quite a while yet PS3 versions of FPS games based on the engine are not going to look nearly as pretty as they should.


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