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Some Christians can come across as being very judgmental and making themselves look like they never sin and are better than non Christians. That is quite sad. The entire principal of the Christian faith is that "all have sinned". All have done something bad. When a Chtistian lambasts someone for a wrongful act and gives the impression that they themselves are sinless it contradicts themselves.

In the Christian belief what is "sin"? It is anything done in disobedience to God or of his statutes that He set in place. All the knowledge in the Christian faith is found in the Bible which are collections of documents written around 2000 years ago and the old testament books longer ago than that. Sin is seen in the Bible many times as something that hurts another or even oneself and are actions that God does not want humans to make. Some of those included are lieing, murder, hatred, lustful thoughts,putting someone or some thing in a higher state than God, sex with someone else you are not committed in marriage to, jealousy of another, homosexuality, taking possessions that do not belong to you, gluttony, ECT. In the Christian faith many people forget that God sees all sin as the same. The ramifications of any sin always results in the same penalty in the end. Each sin creates its own problems for someone in different ways but the penalty for each single sin results in the same ultimate outcome... Eternal separation from God.

Of course in the Christian faith the people in the old testament would many times have to sacrifice an animal in order to have forgiveness from God. this goes along with the passage in the Bible that says, " Without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sin". God required a sacrifice from people in return for the sin they committed. Many times it was the best animal of their livestock. Then came Jesus the messiah as prophesied in many passages within the old testament. There were hundreds of prophesies that Jesus fulfilled. He was basically God in the flesh. In the Christian faith He was the ultimate sacrifice for all sins. He was the last payment God required in that He gave Himself as the sacrifice to give mankind the only opportunity for complete forgiveness.

so anyways to say all that in the Christian faith homosexuality is on the same ground as any other sin; lies, hatred, jealousy, murder, theft, fornication, ECT. So in that light in in the Christian faith no one can possibly be sin free and therefore people practicing homosexuality should be treated like any person who is heterosexual. The problem Christians have with the Oreo brand is that they are promoting and supporting a homosexual lifestyle. To a Christian it would be the same thing as a business stating that they support lieing theft or jealousy.