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Haven't done it myself, and have no intention of doing it. For me the problem is a deep and abiding fear of needles. I could possibly muster up the courage, but the associated anxiety about doing it in the first place would be pure hell for me. Then again it would probably be a pointless endeavor, because my blood pressure would be right through the roof. I suppose it is good that my blood is next to worthless. I am a universal recipient so I know that I am not being terribly missed.

I have had to think about this a lot lately with my brother undergoing treatment for Leukemia. The chemo is doing a good job of knocking it out, but I had to get donor tested. Now a transplant calls for a huge fucking needle, and I was probably going to have to insist on them knocking me out completely. It isn't just the fear of the needle it is the fear that hysteria might grab me, and have me flying around the room.

I am one of those special people that can demonstrate maniacal strength. When I was six, and they had to draw blood. It took half a dozen doctors and nurses to pin me down. Just so they could do a finger prick test. I am just borderline phobic about the whole thing. I know I shouldn't be this terrified by needles, but I am consumed with fear about getting shots.