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Nintendo will never be able to steal away what MS has built up dating back to the original Xbox because as a platform, the Xbox has slowly but surely become less about the games and more about the ecosystem and online services.

Nintendo platforms will in all likelihood remain vehicles on which to play their own in house developed or sub-licensed titles plus any third party games publishers choose to port over or develop. If one is a Nintendo fan, that should be considered a good thing. The day in house game development takes a back seat to providing a comprehensive entertainment solution focusing on services is really the day Nintendo will have jumped the shark so to speak. But I don't see this ever happening.

Directing the the thread back to the 3DS XL, maybe Nintendo should have designed it with CPP functionality into it and marketed it as the "3DS XL Pro."

I said myself that I would have welcomed a larger 3D display, being one of the minority on VGC to express their preference for the 3D effects, and even assumed, not "predicted" that we'd see a 3DS XL, but it was really with the added assumption that Nintendo would add that second analog slider, even if most developers didn't bother to use it.

For $199, I would have bought another one even though the 3DS I bought over a year ago hasn't been seeing any real use this year. If Nintendo had the brilliance to add full GamePad compatibility to the 3DS XL, I would have pre-ordered a Wii-U the same day to go with it.

But, maybe that's why I just buy the things rather than make the decisions the upper heads at Nintendo have been making in regards to their future hardware and overall future strategy. Apparently, what they think their audience wants differs from what I would have rather seen.