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Yesterday I went to my weekly psychotherapy session, and towards the end I started talking about a weird dream I had a few days ago; I was with my recently deceased dad and he was clinically dead in the dream, but he became animate at times to the point that he would move and even speak a few sentences. I remember feeling compassionate about him and worried about the fact that he was undead. Shortly after I talked about how I thought that it could symbolize my perception about how he chose to live his life as a dead person, without truly living; or maybe how his life still has an influence on me even though he’s dead.


Then she suggested that the dream could have been about me, what if my zombie dad represented me, what if I was living life without truly living. She asked me to think what I would have to do if I was a zombie, after a brief period thinking I replied “I would have to recover my life”, she asked how would I do it to which I answered “I would have to fight against all those parts of me that get in my way to happiness”. When I said that I had a flashback about all those countless hours I’ve spent killing all kind of demons to briefly recover my human form, only to become undead again and keep fighting my way back to life in an endless spiral of life and death. I started laughing astonished when I made the connection and I talked about the experience.


When she asked what would my assignment be for the next session, we instantly agreed that I would try to detect and fight any invading warriors in my head that get in my way to happiness, so that I can recover my humanity and become truly alive again.