No. Zero chance. I doubt that the 720 will even outsell the PS3 in the next gen, let alone 2 consoles. MS did everything right to steal Sony's gamers, but they still lost in the end even with that year head start. Sony knows their mistakes, and will not repeat them. Course the biggest is the time-frame. The cost isn't a big issue. New consoles cost a lot, it's accepted. PS4 and 720 will be about 400-500 bucks (USD). Early adopters don't care that much. Early adopters will buy it anyways for the most part no matter the price. $100 doesn't keep these people away, it keeps the average gamer away. Those people how ever don't buy a console anyways till the console enters it's "second generation" of its life-cycle anyways which is accompanied by a price-cut.
Release price is often looked at what the company can sell the console for, not what is worth to the consumer.