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Jay520 said:
The shirts/pants are supposed to represent a person's experience/genetics in this analogy. You said you can hate a person's experience/genetics, so you can also hate the shirts/pants.

the combination of the shirts & pants is supposed to create the shirt-pants outfit. Much like the combination of experiences & genetics creates a person.

The shirt (I'm removing the pants for simplicity) is the individual, while the colour is its actions. If I don't like red shirts, I do so because of the colour. If someone gives the shirt a different colour I wouldn't mind it anymore. The colour is what matters while the shirt will always be a shirt which is why there is never a reason to hate the actual fabrics.

Exactly. The fabric is nothing on it's own. The fabric is not independent of the color. The fabric is one with the color. You cannot feel a way towards the color without feeling the same towards the fabric. Because without the color, the fabric is nothing.