You say you may hate his experiences and you may hate his actions. Therefore, you should hate the person as well. Why? Because the person is not separate from his actions or his experiences. His experiences/actions make him who he is. A person is a outcome of his experiences, correct? So if you hate the person's experiences, then surely you must hate the outcome of it.
And why don't you associate a person with his actions? Actions are the only thing that characterizes a person. A person's experiences, genetics, actions, & the person itself all act as one system. And the person is dependent upon his experiences & genetics. So if you hate a person's experiences and genetics, then sure you must hate the person too, because a person is the product of those two things.
Think of it like this. Lets say experiences = A. And genetics = B. Therefore a person = A+B. That is the combination that dictates a person's character. So if you hate A+B, wouldn't you also hate the outcome of A+B? And the outcome of A+B = the person. Therefore, you must logically hate the person as well because he is the product of two things you hate.