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spurgeonryan said:

I will assume that criminals, evil doers, etc still are aware that killing people is not right. It is funny that these criminals still are aware that their actions are wrong. Many ( after Prison) learn from their mistakes or just never want to go to prison again so they do not act up anymore. If something was wrong with the criminal that made them do the crime because of some mental breakdown that cannot be fixed or needs medicine to calm them, then I would feel sorry for them.

Crime is done because the human being thinks they will not get caught. It is an active choice on their part. There is no defending them. If you break the law you deserve to be punished. I am sure many people have several opportunities during their life time to break the law. Do we do it?

War criminals in Hitlers Germany could have said no, tried to leave the country, butchered their chain of command instead of torturing half of Europe, or done something else. But they did not. I see people who escape the ghetto and gangs all the time. There are options out there, but it is the person who decided to do this stuff.

Go tell that to all the homeless people in America who feel the need to steal from others to make life worthwhile/possible. Do you really want them to be punished?