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Slimebeast said:

Can't complain? You are satisfied with England constantly being a B-nation?

England is the motherland of football and the sport is huge. I bet all youngsters over there want to become a football pro, just like they want in all big football nations. England shoule be a top nation in football along with Spain, Germany, Italy and France. But for some strange reason they're not. They're clearly even below Holland and Portugal when they shouldn't be.

I believe the talent is there but the system is still wrong. I just don't get why England (both the Premiere League and the national team) doesn't reform the system and strategy into a philosophy of ball possession and skill instead of *insert name for the English style of play*.

Something is wrong when the split in ball possession is 40-60 in a match against Italy (famous for its defense).

There are so many around the world who want England to succeed (especially here in Scandinavia but from what I have learned England is popular in many places around the world) and we get disappointed every time. Just like the English people we have the same hype and (unrealistic) confidence in the English team before a big cup and then it always ends in disappointment.

Like I said, more reform is needed. The players are skilled and deserve a better strategy. Not Spain skilled but at least they could try to play like Holland (kinda bad timing to bring up Holland in this tournament lol but their philosophy and strategy is much better than England's).

This is all written in love, so if you're a team England fan please don't feel offended.

You are right, things need to chane but it's not to a copy cat passing game. We need to play like English football. Our defence is great our attack is not, we need to scare opposition attacks and defenders instead of letting them pass. Need to place pressure on them. In this last game, Carroll (as a big man) should have started and pressured Pirlo out of the game, scare him.

Also our left is weak also, 2 best lefts the United Kingdom has produced in years and they both play for Wales. :P

In 4 years, our team could be awesome, the young players are only going to get stronger.



Hmm, pie.