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homer said:
o_O.Q said:
homer said:
o_O.Q said:
happydolphin said:
o_O.Q said:
Significant_leap said:
Is not that hard to ignore Sony either
lol at those all new ips that look and play the same...

many "core" nintendo franchises play the same to me - ( mario, dk, kirby etc ) run from one side of a stage to another and jump over obstacles on the way...

try playing uncharted, little big planet and gow the same and see how far you get...

You're cherry-picking the Nintendo titles in your list, but not the Sony ones. Where's Zelda in your Nintendo list. I'm not saying I agree with him, but you're not doing any better, sorry.

ok name two sony titles this gen that play as similarly as 2d mario and dk?

Off the top of my head, Infamous and Uncharted. I remember when I got that game, I was convinced that they were made by the same dev. The controls are extremely similar. Circle equals cover and roll. Same way of shooting. Same sticky fingers platforming. Also, look at how many direct sequels were made. If Nintendo were like sony, we would have had DKCR 1 2 and 3 by now. Same with Mario. We would have had more Metroids too. In fact, I wish that we could have more sequels on Nintendo consoles as long as we don't go Sony's route and sacrifice quality for the sake of pumping out sequels.

lol really? infamous and uncharted? you mean these 2 games right?


dkcr and nsmb


sm almost 20 years ago

sorry but i wholeheartedly disagree with your opinion


"If Nintendo were like sony, we would have had DKCR 1 2 and 3 by now"

weren't three mario games just announced at E3?

I'm not going to bother clicking you links because I've played both games and platinumed 4 of the 5 and can say with full confidence yes, they play remarkibly similar especially in the beginning.  As for your second pair of links, I have played and beaten both games and yes, both play remarkably similarly. To be fair, there was no infamous 20 years ago nor were that many if any relevant 3d shooter games and especially not 3d shooter sandboxes. Also, Nintendo skipped two generations of 2d mario, so I don't see why you posting that video is relevant unless you are trying to say that 2d games haven't changed the way they play at which point I would say, "You don't say?"Also, they only released one 2d mario on the ds and wii despite them selling extremely well. You can't deny that had that been sony, we would have been subjected to a trilogy or more of games. Look at Gran Turismo. They can't crank them out fast enough, so instead they resort to selling you demos lol.  As for 3 Mario games. What is the third one? I know of the wiiu one and the 3ds one but both were announced way before e3 and are on different platforms. I assume the third isn't even in the same genre but whatever.

yeah i can see how being a superhero who can fly, glide, zip line to objects in addition to a plethora of other abilities can be likened to an adventurer who has no such powers... whatever its your opinion

"You can't deny that had that been sony, we would have been subjected to a trilogy or more of games. Look at Gran Turismo. They can't crank them out fast enough, so instead they resort to selling you demos lol."

the funny bit about this is that you wind up contradicting your own point lol

"What is the third one?"

paper mario which is i agree different to the other 2