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ok here is a scenario that could have played out:

Original 3DS, Nintendo admit they should have had two pads at launch, so to fix that they release a CPP with extra shoulder buttons. A few games come out that support the CPP. Nintendo redesigned to include the second circle pad, But damn RE does not work cause the extra shoulder buttons are missing.

Then people would complain about the shoulder buttons being missing.

So Nintendo makes a second revision which is a thicker 3DS XL with the extra shoulder buttons also included.

Then people bitch but I been waiting for a Lite version not a fat one. Nintendo gone backwards blah blah blah.

I can't remember if it was in this thread or the other thread, but one user said I am waiting for the 3ds to be as slim as a smart phone. Seriously? then the 3DS wouldn't even have the original shoulder buttons and the top screen would need to be paper thin.

Now back to what is happening:

Then throw in this whole adapter argument (which USA will get anyway). Why are people complaining? If you need one buy it seperate. Is it that difficult for you? have you become that lazy to add a few extra words "can I also get the ac adapter". Look on the bright side if you already have one you save money. If it fucks up, it is easier to get a replacement then ever as they will be stocked on shelves.

The fact is haters will always be unhappy with some aspect of the system. If majority of those things come true that people said, they would find other reasons not to get it.Stuff like oh I am waiting for a white 3DS or a mario limited edition or once the price gets below $99 I will but it.