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Mummelmann said:
doom102575 said:
Mummelmann said:
souixan said:
waron said:
well probably because balance board can't handle average american;) so they need to work on it for a while.

Not a very high opinion of America huh? The truth is Obese people are more common in city environments which is just what people happen to hear about when they hear/read/watch anything about/on America. Truth is in suburbs and rural areas where a good porition of the country lives obeseity is not as a problem.


Texas and New York are among the biggest offenders. Ironically both also have some of the lowest test grades in the country..


That is not ironic, it's implicit when one is obese. People with high IQ's are almost without exception skinny or slim because of a healthier diet. Without a healthy diet, it is very hard to develop your intellect, and studies show that hamburgers are literally making people dumber and is the single most hated "meal" by the WHO. It may sound bogus to Americans to hear it, but it's actually true; obesity and lowered IQ go hand in hand, and a low attention span is also a part of the equation. Wonder why British and American channels have so many commercial breaks? Because people's attention span limits their capacity to watch an entire program without multiple breaks. The same thing is occurring in China and parts of Europe (Greece, Denmark, Germany).

I think your statement is the most idiotic thing I have ever read you must be eating many hamburgers. There are so many commercial breaks due to revenue. That is how tv stations make there money has nothing to do with attention spans. Why don't movies have commercials in the theaters? How could us big, fat, dumb Americans actually watch Lord of the Rings without commercials? Wow one of the worst posts I have read ever on any sight. Back to topic I am starting my cat on a stepper to prepare him for wiifit

 Yes, it is also due to revenues, but why do people put up with it? Research the subject (I'm studying nutrition) before you call me names and laugh me in the face. You don't think I know they make cash off of commercials? You must be on hamburgers mister. 

People put up with it because it is given fact that without commericals there is no tv revenue which means they can't afford to pay people on tv. Just because you are studying nutrition doesn't mean you know anything you are talking about. Where is your proof? Do they test the same exact people after eating hamburgers for 1 year then have them stop for a year and see how much smarter they are and that their attention span is that much better afterwards? All studies into these type of things are just like meteorologists it's all a guessing game. I think we might get snow but if not we won't. I graduated one of the top in my class From University of Michigan and make a very good living, and many of the most intelligent people I know while I wouldn't call them obese they are overweight. Go back to your studies sir and come back to me when you have half the intellect I do. Also where in my statement did I call you names I must be unable to see my invisible writing where I call you names.

PS3(60GB)/360(Elite)/Wii/SNES/Ultimate Gaming PC owner :)