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happydolphin said:

@osed. Read this it's for you too.

NintendoPie said:

happydolphin said:

It's not what they're offering, it's how they're presenting. Like Khan said, Nintendo Direct is doing great to please us, so why not learn from their mistakes and fix how they do E3. Reggie is either not fit for the task, or he's just not doing it right.

Imho, something's gotta give. Nintendo's image is in jeopardy at every passing E3.

Or maybe E3 should die and every company should hold their own "Directs"?

Never! E3 is there for a reason, and Nintendo needs to learn who the crowd there is. Yes there is media, I won't deny it. But there is a very eager gamer community attending it online, and Nintendo needs to know how to hit both birds (media and gamerbase) with the same stone (their presentation).

For example, they needed to showcase the 3rd party multi-plats more, and talk more about their core japanese games like fire emblem and professor layton at their 3DS conference.

I think Nintendo of America does a poor job and they almost don't even realize what Nintendo means to us gamers, they don't realize how big they are a player in the industry and are selling themselves short at every E3.

Retails. Do not forget that retailers are at E3. And they love dance games.

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