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SecondWar said:
I think someone needs to keep a record of who is supporting/a national of who (would have been best in the OP). I can't see this thread staying banter-less, and would make it easier to see who's backing up who.

Seeing as I've made my dislike for Portugal apparent need to watch out for lestatdark, ClassicGamingWizzz and Argh_College.

Also just curious how much back each team has on this site.

Okay well I can edit the OP to include that if anyone wants it. I take it you're English? 

Anyone else who wants to declare their nationality/support go ahead and do so and I'll stick it in at the top of the OP.

Also if anyone wants to include teams they particularly dislike then I can include that too. Or is that just asking for trouble?

In the interest of privacy I won't list anyone that doesn't specifically ask to be included