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CrazzyMan said:


Most casuals would buy SSBB, MK and SMG.
Most hardcore would buy SSBB, MK and SMG.
THEN selling trend of SMG would be like SMB. BUT it`s NOT.
It`s not selling like SMB, which wasn`t DECLINING that much after first 12 weeks.
That`s why it`s all pointless what you wrote.
Though i agree with what you wrote, BUT it`s NOT that case with SMG and Wii, atleast fow now.
Oh, and Crazzy, just so you know it, the reason the last one is so low (on your graph) is because this week only includes EU)

In europe sales went from 65k to 50k.
In japan they were 16k (you expect increase, yes?)
in usa 82k, and 100k week before.

This will be even MORE interesting with SSBB, with making over 1 mln. in 1-2 weeks. =)

Dude, are you on drugs?

Have you noticed we just went through a holiday season? And it's finished? And ALL game sales decline after holidays? Seriously, slow down with the whacky tobaccy there! Maybe in a couple of months when you see the sales levels are at pretty much the same numbers you will realise that the slow down in galaxy sales are just seasonal.

down 15k in Europe and 20k in America? Wow, how many games experience such small drops coming off the holidays?

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