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MikeB said:
@ bdbdbd

IMO kids and females are much better represented amongst the Wii userbase, than amongst the 360 and especially the PS3 userbase. This has a lot to do with entry price, Nintendo's kid friendly / orientated image and the type of games currently available.

I applaud this, I love the fact more females get into gaming and Nintendo publishes many games parents would find themselves conformtable with for their kids to play. I don't think neither the 360 or PS3 at this point serves these consumers well enough, only the PS2 seems like a good alternative at this point.

more represented but that doesn't mean that male gamers are any less represented. Consoles arn't 1 to 1 machines. Nintendo's own internal data suggested that the each wii has a much larger userbase indivdually.

For example, lets say I own a Wii, a PS3 and a 360 and i live with 3 other people. Two guys and a girl.

The other guy plays all three. One girl plays 360 and Wii, and the other girl just plays the Wii.

Girls are more represented on the Wii in this case... however guys arn't any less represented.

In the same case. Say the 4 of us are living togehter and are a family. The father wants the PS3 the most but has interest in both other systems, the son is the same, the Mom only wants a wii, and the daughter wants a 360 or wii. Even if the Wii is likely the father and son's lowest choice, if they are only going to buy one system... the Wii is likely to be that system.

This is just ignoreing the flaws in the studies you've prosed. For example the natural bias that you've yet to rebut that more people who were asked this question likely already owned Wii's or 360s.

Or here is another one for you. The PS3 costs more. I mean, if I had the choice to get a free Wii or PS3 i'd take the free PS3 just because it saves me 600 dollars instead of 250. That's why expensive items are always at the top of these lists, not because they need these items most or even want them most, but because they know they woudl like them and are less likely to spend money on them themselves.

There are even other ways it's flawed to draw the conclusions you are trying to draw.