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Turkish said:
Dodece said:
I am somewhat bemused by the posters that think the PS4 and the Next Box will be in some way comparable as far as raw power will be concerned. Microsoft has made it a point to push the envelope. Not only does their model for console gaming allow them to have a substantial loss lead. Their cash reserves ensure they have the power to really make that a reality. I expect the Next Box to be at least twice as powerful, but more likely to be three times more powerful.

According to the leaked docs the nextbox wil be a media hub type set top box for a mere 299 bucks, with Kinect 2. So no it probably won't even be that much more powerful to the WiiU.


Seeing MS will price their nextbox at 300 bucks, itll mean an xbox that cost only $200, PS4 at 399 with no extra peripheral in the box would mean that its twice as expensive as the nextbox. I think this time MS will follow what Nintendo is doing, not a big leap in the graphics department but try to innovate with motion things.


I'm confident that PS4 will be the strongest console again. And they don't even need to release at 600 bucks, but this time there will be even a bigger gap in graphics.

I'm kind of hoping the Playstation brand becomes the console that a majority of the core gamers flock to. Those that don't care about Motion controls (not saying they are bad, it's just usually they lack core titles). If Microsoft does with the Nextbox what Nintendo did with the Wii (Mostly target casuals) Hopefully a lot of Microsoft and Nintendo fans go with Sony next gen. Let Nintendo and Microsoft battle it out for the casual audience, while Sony tries to keep the hardcore happy. That being said, I do like Nintendo too :p