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rocketpig said:
While I really like the direction MS is going, they still have a long road ahead of them... but I do think the road just got a little shorter.

My thoughts:

1. I hate Windows RT. I know they didn't have much of a choice but it's going to be difficult to convince developers to make software for an entirely different version of Windows alongside their current version.
2. It's too big. 10.6"? Portability is key here, Microsoft. Make it small-ish. The iPad is a great size, as are most 10" Android tablets.
3. It'd be really nice if that keyboard was flexible, like the iPad Smart Cover. That way you could roll it back behind the machine, just like the Smart Cover.
4. That kickstand is dumb. It should be way smaller. Make the device thinner and the kickstand smaller.
5. Apps, apps, apps. You need them before I'll buy this device.

With that out of the way, Microsoft impressed the hell out of me with this device. You know what I thought when I saw Surface? This feels like an Apple product from 3-5 years ago. It's fresh, well thought out, and very pretty. I'm a big fan of this new Microsoft. They're out-Appling Apple.

Ah c'mon Mr Pig.

1. WindowsRT is WinPhone in tablet form. It will have the same support as winPhone and if Win8 integration can create a real want to own those phones (and I think it probably can) it will take off and become a real 3rd competitor in the smartphone ecosystem.

2. Its size is very much comparable to other 10" devices. I really doubt anyone will notice. Mostly its about weight anyways and these are really light as well. I have no reason to even consider that this size/weight will be an issue with the mass market.

3. The cover can roll back behind the tablet. Do you not see the multiple bends in the "spine" of the device?

4. That kickstand is fucking perfect. It is part of the device in a superburb fashion and gives great stability when in use. Its far better than the foldable cover that will wear out over time.

5. Apps... One model is a PC. It will run any windows8 peice of software. The other is the same as the windowsPhones. It has a decent library already and more than likely windows8 integration and an MS push will allow them to actually become a stable 3rd pillar in the smartphone world.

But I do agree... they are out-appling apple. Hell, they leap frogged all of Androids OEMs too... with the one exception of Asus.