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rocketpig said:
While I really like the direction MS is going, they still have a long road ahead of them... but I do think the road just got a little shorter.

My thoughts:

1. I hate Windows RT. I know they didn't have much of a choice but it's going to be difficult to convince developers to make software for an entirely different version of Windows alongside their current version.
2. It's too big. 10.6"? Portability is key here, Microsoft. Make it small-ish. The iPad is a great size, as are most 10" Android tablets.
3. It'd be really nice if that keyboard was flexible, like the iPad Smart Cover. That way you could roll it back behind the machine, just like the Smart Cover.
4. That kickstand is dumb. It should be way smaller. Make the device thinner and the kickstand smaller.
5. Apps, apps, apps. You need them before I'll buy this device.

With that out of the way, Microsoft impressed the hell out of me with this device. You know what I thought when I saw Surface? This feels like an Apple product from 3-5 years ago. It's fresh, well thought out, and very pretty. I'm a big fan of this new Microsoft. They're out-Appling Apple.

1. Yes, it is a second version to develope for, but that doesn't stop people from developing apps for the iPad. It's the same concept. Plus it just limits developers to the Metro side of Windows 8. So they will be able to make programs that run on full Windows and Windows RT with a few tweeks I bet. (though I could be totally wrong.)

2. Agreed, it is big, but there are a lot of people that have been hoping for a larger tablet. 10.6" will be a much better size for brousing the net. Though I do agree that there will be people turned off by the size. Personally, after my iPad1, I want for my next tablet to have a larger screen.

3. Yeah, flexible would be nice for the keyboard. I agree here.

4. I fully disagree. If you are going to include a kickstand, it needs to be able to fully support the devise. I bought a cover for my iPad with a smallish kick stand and it sucked when I tried to use the iPad on uneven surfaces, like on my tummy while laying in bed, on a pillow, on an airline tray table. I later got a cover with a much thicker longer and sturdier kickstand, which made these issues almost non-existent.

I also have an Evo 4G that has a nice kickstand, but it is only on one side of the device. It works great on perfectly flat surfaces, but on uneven surfaces the phone just tips over.

5. Agreed for me as well. I won't buy it until I know it will get good support. As it went with iOS and Android devices, apps will only come once people buy it. Plus, that is one of the reasons they are having the developer's conference this week.

Also - I realize you, like me, think this is a cool gadget. I just wanted to give my perspective.