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Darc Requiem said:
WiiBox3 said:
Darc Requiem said:
d21lewis said:
I somehow got my hands on Deadly Towers for the Nes. I tried to like that game but it was just horrible. I didn't really know the difference between good and bad games at the time. This game changed that.

You poor bastard. I know your pain. I was just a kid and I thought the box art was cool.


I was fortunate enough to never play this game, though I did play a lot of stinkers on the NES, at least most of them were ones that my friends owned. My brother and I only got about 3-4 games for our NES a year, since we had to buy them ourselves. It took us a long time to save up for them.

As for the amount of people who say FF XIII is their worst RPG experience, that really surprised me. I also did not like FF XIII, the game is visually linier, they could have at least hidden how lineir it was by making the road curve a little. And the story was uninteresting and convoluted, at least up to the point I stopped playing 10 hours in. But the combat system was really good and the art design wasn't bad. So the question I have, is it that you haven't played very many bad RPGs, or was it that this game so undelivered to the hype that was built up that it caused the game to be your worst RPG experience?

I'm not sure why. I've been playing RPGs since I snagged Dragon Warrior 1 with my Nintendo Power subscription. FFXIII was terrible. You had to like the battle system or the game had no redeeming value. I didn't think the battle system was terrible but it wasn't great either. So that combined with a terrible story, and two of the most awful characters this side of Emil Castagnier, and I got my worst JRPG experience of this generation. The said thing is I didn't have high expectations for the game and it still missed the low bar I set for it by a mile. Somebody steal Chrono's time machine and get us mid 90s Squaresoft....please.

Yeah, Oerba Dia Vanille was bad and the voice her English voice actor gave her drove me up a wall.