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I did a lot of Act 2 farming this week end.
Got some minor upgrades for my Wizard ( +1k dps, +30 MF) but mainly got monk gear ( sold 2.5 mill worth of monk stuff) and a lvl 62 legendary warrior belt. Sadly it didn't drop very good stats but it could have been worse and it's still a good upgrade for my barb ( it actually has the potential to be the best barb belt out there as it can roll +12% fury damage or up to +7% revenge crit chance and it has very good str, damage converted to life and even 1% crit chance and I rolled some vit).

I did play Act3 with my wiz and I managed to keep 5 NV till middle of the third quest. I have to change my spec for Act3 and the killing is slower but I actually don't die so much.
If I can actually get arcane power on crit and a higher crit chance I could actually switch to farming Act3 but till then I am sticking to Act 2...( my only offensive spell in Act 3 are celestial orb and venom hydra as I added teleport).
One thing I noticed is that I had to switch prismatic rune to force rune on my energy armor and it makes a lot of difference against electrical mobs or those that reflect damage. With prismatic I can ignore damage reflection, with force armor I have to pot and try not to burst damage too much.........

I did get two decent amulets too.

My wiz got one with 30% MF that actually was a dps upgrade too. ( at the expense of vitality).

And my barb got an ammy with 42 res all as well as + crit damage and +8-16 dmg.

Right now my Wiz is running 4700 armor, 27k hp, 31.8k dps, 610 resists ( less resists if I use force armor) and 64 MF. ( I dropped the shield and use a source and still can take plenty hits in Act 2).

My barb is running 7260 armor, 15.7k dps, 500 resists and 27 block % (blocking btw 2700 and 3700).

I could run more resists and less block ( the shield has no resists and I have one with 40 res all but this shield gives more damage and I kinda like the block so far) 

I played half of Act 1 inferno with the barb and only died like 5 times and some of those deaths could have been prevented ( I skipped nothing and had a few deaths killing a molten/invulnerable/plague pack but I got them !).

I have not purchased a single item that my barb uses on the AH either, they were all found by the wiz or the barb himself...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !