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I'd say the first Tax change without a huge outlier... like say WAR would be 1954. (War being an outlier because government spending artificially inflates GDP.)
Tax rate decreased by one... had a one year boost, then a drop, then a boost again... kinda inconclusive but it was a tax cut of 1% on a tax rate of 92%.

So when was the next tax raise/cut....

`1964... BIG tax cut. If we look at 1964 on your chart, we can note that the wealth creation was leveling off... then takes a big boost after 1964 for a couple of years.

We continue to have growth until 1968 or 1969 when we see a loss in wealth. Those are years in which the tax rate was increased.

1970 sees the start of big rise. 1970 see's the tax rate drop back down to where it was before 1968.

Taxes stay consistent until 1983. (They lower in 1982 but by less then 1%.) In 1983, either there is a huge boost, or a very slight drop followed by a huge boost.) This was during a huge tax cut.

1987 Tax drop.... in the middle of a big rise. The rise appears to get slightly steeper.

1988 tax decrease Growth seems to level off a bit, finally some support for your suggestion.

1990 tax increase... wealth creation drops. So much for that.

1993 tax increase. There is a big boost tied to a tax increase.

2001 tax cut. Tax increase, in the middle of a boost. Boost seems to get steeper.

2005. Tax cut, wealth goes down... in the middle of the biggest financial crisis since the great depression. (would call that an outlier.

Of the times I can see that would be valid (no factors too huge)... it would seem that it would be 7 to 2 as far as Tax cuts vs Tax Raises on the rich goes.