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Mazty said:

Stop kidding yourself. Casual gamers don't have the nature of repeat purchase because they don't care about quality or technical innovations, they care about the most shallow of things so to get them to upgrade is nearly impossible unless you can sell your item on the premis that it is cool.

Seriously, are you trolling? I have to know whether anyone can actually be this closed-minded about other people's tastes. You are really being the most stereotypical "core" gamer you could possibly be, by grouping the majority of video game consumers into a single entity and making grand, downright offensive generalizations about their tastes ("Casual gamers don't care about quality"). You're also flat-out ignoring all evidence to the contrary -- evidence I have provided.

I also don't believe you've ever played a Mario Kart game before, or you would know that purposely staying in last place until the final lap is NOT an effective strategy. Staying in second, close behind the player in first, might be an effective strategy -- but at that point, there isn't really any difference between a blue shell and a red shell -- or, for that matter, drafting.

You're either trolling or you're dead set in your bias. Either way there's no point continuing this discussion.