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Username2324 said:
wiiforever said:
no matter what, PS3 simply can't be as profitable as DS. DS = high sales + low production costs
PS3 = low sales + high prod costs

The DS came out in what, 2004? So, Sony has only had 1 year to refine, and cut costs of the PS3, while Nintendo over 3 years. Also, software is more profitable on a console than a handheld.

Also, as a side note, the 66 million DS's sold dont represent all those on the streets so to speak. With ever new version alot of people will just trade up and ditch the older version, add into that how easy it is to break a handheld device, I wouldnt be surprised if some people have gone through 3 or 4 DS's. So just remember, that 66mil sale number, does not mean there are 66 million people with DS's.

And you know, Sony doesn't just strive for profit like Nintendo, Sony likes to push the bar, the PSP, an extrordinary device when it launched, and it still is, lots of features, multiple uses. The DS..... Not so much. Same with the PS3, pushing the bar again, alot of features, many many uses. The Wii..... Not so much, its essentially a gamecube with motion sensing.

You say all that knowing that DS games can be made with a few hundred thousand in a few months compared to several millions with larger teams over more time yes? Console games theoretically are less profitable because their price is only 50-60$ compared to 20-40$ and even then console games will eventually drop to 20-30$ anyway which is when most people tend to buy them. Console games have a higher sticker price but a much larger threashold to make profit as well as taking bigger teams and more time to creat. They can make more money or lose a whole lot more..