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So I went to the auction house and bought a whole bunch of new armor for 5,000 or less gold each.

Here's my new stats:
HP: 12,000
DPS: 4,500
Armor: 4,700 (63.3% reduction)
Resistances: 19-30% (Physical & Fire being near the top)
Dodge: Still 40% Passive, 50% Active
I also have 3% damage reduction for ranged and melee attacks now, which is quite a bit

I honestly feel twice as tanky now as I did before, not to mention I do about 60% more damage.

I would have much rather gotten the stuff the old fashioned way, but I'm sort of trying to get caught up to my friends as quickly as possible so we can work on inferno together as well as so I can make some real money in the auction house!

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.