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I thought they were good...until I started playing in a public game and realized I have horrible stuff (apparently it is a huge mistake not to have magic find items). It does help that my buddy gave me lvl 60 legendary shoulders that have a 11 level reducer on them.

HP: 11,500
DPS: 2,800
Armor: 3700
40% passive dodge, 50% active dodge
46 for all my resistances (15%)

I've just been having an incredibly hard time finding gear that actually works for my person. I still have lvl 21 gloves and lvl 27 bracers because I literally cannot find any that work better. With all the magic and rare ones I have found, you would think I would have found at least a little better, but the only thing better is always armor and everything else sucks on them.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.