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First, the case is made against piracy.  Developers don't get a cent, nor do publishers.  People get a game for scott-free and don't pay for it.  Games prolifierate all over the place and no one gets paid.

Then there is the case against used game sales.  Developers don't get a cent out of these sales.  Doesn't matter if money is used to buy new games, the fact is that developers don't get a cent from every single transaction of change in ownership.  

Then there is the case against Gamefly who buys games.  Developers don't get a cent out of these game rentals at all.  Doesn't matter if Gamefly bought them, it is on par with what you see with rentals, in that change in ownership of a title doesn't compensate the developer.   Developers and publishers don't get compensated, so they don't maximize profits.

Now, let's go one step further.  Why should anyone bother owning any games at all?  I mean owning a license for indefinite use.  You actually don't own a game now, you own a license that enables indefinite use.  You don't pay for each time to play.  This is unfair to developers.  Why shouldn't people keep paying to use the same game over and over?  If you use it a little, then you pay a little.  If you use it a lot, then why not pay a lot?  Do people think bug fixes, adding features, and support is free?  This ongoing support ends up costing developers and publishers money.  Why should you as a gamer get a free ride on support that is added on after purchase?  Do you think those support lines and email are free?   In short, because you pay once, you are actually robbing companies of maximum profits, because of the added cost they have to pay to keep a title going.  And you complain also about the DLC?  Well, why do you think there is DLC spawning they don't package with the game to begin with?  It is because they want to pay for support.  By making players pay for usage, and not one time, companies could be more profitable.

So, there you go.  Let's just go to the next step after we get rid of videogame rentals and used game sales.  Piracy went away, so after dealing with rentals where someone else buys and rents out, the next step is to have publishers not sell games, but rent them out, and get all the money from it (with cut of console makers).  You know it is coming.  Why not deal with it now?