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Mazty said:

It's everything that is wrong with gaming. It's gimmick gaming gone wild. 
"Hey guys, guess what is popular now? Tablet gaming! So I've this great idea, gather round and listen..."

The casual market as you have said aren't going to buy into the PS4/720, but the industry needs to learn that the casual gamers are not a sustainable market and that games & consoles shouldn't be focused on them. 
The problem here is that the directors/executives have no idea what their market actually is. They would rather pump out the same crap time & time again instead of risking making a new, daring game even though that is what many core gamers would like to see. I'd rather play SotC then CoD 6,7,8 etc. 
If the competition died, MS and Sony wouldn't have any problems as most developers have shunned the wii. Publishers would be doing just as well/badly regardless of the existance of Nintendo as the Wii primarily deals in nintendo titles. 

For every WiiU sold, that makes developers think gamers are into gimmicks rather then gameplay. To hell with that. I don't want a single publisher thinking that I'll pay twice for the same game, or buy a new console to play a game I can already play on my xbox. 

Sounds like standard "core" gamer elitism to me. The Wii was a huge success. Was there any shortage of "core" games on the PS3 or 360 because of the Wii's success? You still got Call of Duty, God of War, GTA, Infamous, Halo, Gears, Uncharted, Resident Evil, Elder Scrolls -- all the "hardcore" games you could ask for and more, new IPs and old.

The "casual" market IS sustainable. That's why games like Wii Fit (/Plus), Wii Sports (/Resort), Wii Party, and Just Dance have such tremendous legs.