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happydolphin said:
@Oniyide. I wasn't talking about Nintendo's core audience. Rather, I was referring to Take Two catering to Nintendo's audience and offering GTA5 to them. For example, CoD has a consumer base on the Wii, they built it. Take Two, refraining to do the same, are shooting themselves in the foot. Reason being, whether things improve from the Wii, or worst case remain the same, there is a potential for 1M+ sales of GTA on the Wii line, on that can be built to more numbers. That's what I was referring to.

You know my stance on the Nintendo/3rd party who's to blame issue, and you know I agree with you. So above was aimed at TTWO and how they are not building a market of their own for the GTA franchise on the Wii line, as Ubi and Acti are doing.


I agree with you, but i still dont blame them for their reluctance. The thing is the audience IS on the other systems where most people would buy it anyway, fact. Even if the same minigame, Carnival crowd playing people buy into the Wii U will they care about GTA?? No they wouldnt, thats not their thing, just like the PS3 crowd and MS(to a lesser extent) dont care about those minigame collections. ANd the people who do care about it have the systems to run it. I DO think they should port it. But i could see why they wouldnt want to and im not mad at them.